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- Message-ID: <409_9503210239@wad.fido.de>
- Organization: Welt am Draht
- Lines: 123
- Subject: Roswell Incident 1947
- From: koch@wad.fido.de
- Organization: International Roswell Initiative
- Hello !
- This is PART 5 of the material distributed with the ROSWELL-
- DECLARATION. Have you received the previous parts?
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Roswell Declaration is part of a worldwide effort to end
- U.S. Government secrecy surrounding the 1947 Roswell incident.
- It contains an appeal to the Administration for an Executive
- Order to declassify any U.S. Government information regarding
- the existence of UFOs or extraterrestrial intelligence. You can
- help by signing and returning a copy of the Declaration.
- The effort is being supported by three independent nonprofit
- organizations devoted to the serious study of the UFO
- phenomenon. The membership of the governing committees of these
- organizations consists primarily of researchers, scientists, and
- Ph.D.s. The three organizations are the Mutual UFO Network
- (MUFON), 103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155; the Center for
- UFO Studies (CUFOS), 2457 W. Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
- 60659; and the Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR), P.O. Box 277, Mt.
- Ranier, Maryland 20712.
- UFO organizations throughout the world are involved in a drive
- to obtain signatures from scientists, professionals, and the
- general public in support of the Roswell Declaration. On a
- yet-to-bedetermined day later this year, the news media in
- different countries around the world will be notified and
- furnished with material about the Roswell incident in an effort
- to bring international attention to the Roswell case.
- On that same day, a copy of the Roswell Declaration, along with
- a listing of the total number of signatories from each of the
- fifty states will be delivered to the offices of all members of
- Congress and to the White House. In other countries, signed
- copies of the Roswell Declaration will be delivered to the
- American embassy for forwarding to the White House. If finances
- permit, a copy of the Roswell Declaration will be placed in the
- first section of the national edition of a major U.S. newspaper
- as well as in other major newspapers around the world.
- Polls have shown that more than fifty percent of the people in
- the United States believe in the existence of UFOs and
- extraterrestrial intelligence. Unfortunately, that interest has
- never been galvanized into a large-scale grassroots movement.
- With the "Roswell Declaration," this may now become a reality.
- Since this will be primarily a word-of-mouth, grassroots effort,
- your help in making copies of the Declaration and distributing
- them to as many people as possible will be of great importance.
- The Declaration is being made available on computer bulletin
- boards throughout the world. A five- page position paper, "Time
- for the Truth About Roswell," from which the Declaration is
- derived, will also be made available. The position paper
- includes a detailed summary of the Roswell event, an analysis of
- the media and government treatment of it, and arguments for
- allowing the public to know the truth.
- The position paper and the Declaration were written by Kent
- Jeffrey of Fairfax, California. Mr. Jeffrey has researched the
- Roswell event extensively, worked with several of the leading
- investigators, and interviewed a number of the Roswell
- witnesses. He is an international airline pilot whose interest
- in the Roswell case stems in part from the fact that his father,
- a retired colonel and former air force pilot (and WWII fighter
- ace), at one time knew and worked with one of the key Roswell
- figures, General William Blanchard.
- Although it is felt by the organizers of this effort that there
- is a high degree of probability the U.S. Government is
- withholding information regarding the existence of
- extraterrestrial intelligence, the primary goal is to get the
- matter into the open so that the truth can be conclusively
- determined, one way or the other. It is hoped, therefore, that
- all individuals, no matter what their opinion on the subject,
- will support this effort.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Please send signed Declarations to either organization:
- MUFON; 103 Oldtowne Road; Seguin, TX 78155. U.S.A.
- CUFOS; 2457 W. Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60659, U.S.A.
- FUFOR; Post Office Box 277, Mt.Rainier, Maryland 20712, U.S.A.
- Or to:
- Kent Jeffrey, 37 Porteous Ave., Fairfax, CA 94930, U.S.A.
- Joachim Koch, Stadtrandstr. 550 g, 13589 Berlin, Germany
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Following documents: "ROSWELL-DECLARATION PART 6"
- Contents: The Roswell-Declaration with coupon to
- fill in. Please sign!
- Contents:Update report about activities and
- results until now
- ***Further material (updates etc.) will be presented in ascending
- numerical order***
- Viele Gruesse
- Joachim
- IN: koch@wad.fido.de